While traditional business models rely on hierarchies of bureaucracy and simply put complexity, a one-person business model places emphasis on individual contribution, skills, and capabilities. In this article, we will assess the environmental and societal impact of a one-person business model, as opposed to a traditional business model by examining aspects such as autonomy, meaning & community, the importance of individual contribution, and the future of Healing Cubs.
What is a one-person business model?
A one-person business, also known as a solo enterprise, is a type of business structure where an individual operates and manages the entire business on their own. The individual assumes full responsibility for all aspects of the business, including decision-making, operations, finances, and customer interactions.
Why is it superior?
1. Autonomy
Undoubtedly, a one-person business model brings autonomy, which is something most of us strive towards. While autonomy may be good on its own, it has several other advantages. A one-person business model, or a creator business or in other words solopreneurship leads to less delay, more freedom, and therefore more creativity and diversity. But what is even better is that innovation is likely the result of creativity and diversity. It is colloquially known that solopreneurs strive to differentiate themselves in the market, therefore the differentiation the business provides, encourages solopreneurs to innovate and live by sustainable practices.
2. Meaning & Community
It is also well-known there is no business without products or customers. In this case, however, the community is one of the main products. People don’t contact a one-person business simply because they need a job finished, no. They contact a business, where they can be heard, listened to, connected with, and feel a sense of meaning or belonging. In a traditional business, we will have our job done, but we won’t derive the same satisfaction from it. Therefore, I argue that a one-person-business model is more effective at creating meaning for people, and therefore more suited to leading a community.
3. Importance of Individual Contribution
A common problem we’ve stumbled into is that we’ve become dependent on jobs. While developing, we are taught that without a job we will be dysfunctional members of society. But the truth is far from that. The truth is, we don’t need a job and we don’t need anyone to hire us, to make our contribution to the world. Our contribution lies in our individual choices, and moreover, in our individual pursuits of passion. I believe what we do in life and how we do it is the greatest source of happiness, therefore we shouldn’t be dependent on the job market to dictate that for us.
I believe the creator model, not only allows for more diversity and innovation, but it encourages the pursuit of passion, something that is paramount to a fulfilling life, and more importantly to a meaningful business world.
4. Flexibility
The flexibility a solopreneur possess allows for the quick adoption of environmentally sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy sources, minimizing packaging waste, and eco-friendly materials, without the need for extensive approvals or coordination with multiple stakeholders.
5. Feedback
While all organisations regard feedback as critically important, they not only do a bad job at showing it, but they also do a bad job of collecting it. Currently, data analysis is a hot topic in our world and has certainly contributed to certain developments, however, I believe it could be made more efficient. Have you noticed, how we are incredibly good at sensing how other people perceive our words? Of course, occasionally we find ourselves perplexed, which is when we ask further questions, but the point I am trying to make is that in a person-to-person type of communication, feedback is instant, and moreover, we neither have to collect it, nor ask for it, making it a powerful tool for people to improve themselves and their services.
6. Accountability
Accountability is something we all need. Moreover, we would all love to feel personally accountable for our own health and success, however, that is a skill difficult as any other. But what if you turned your life into a product that you intend to sell for a living? Wouldn’t you want that product to be reliable, credible, sustainable, informed, convenient and user-friendly? Would things change then?
Personal accountability is at the core of the model, as it encourages you to wake up accountable for your own actions and act not only in your own interest, but because you are a product that others will make use of, you also act in others’ best interest, by building yourself up. In other words, self-improvement is critical to the model, but that is only a side benefit. The real benefit of identity marketing, personal branding, and solopreneurship is that you become personally responsible for your decisions, and therefore you become more conscious and aware of their impact. Hence I believe solopreneurship encourages more conscious decisions as it focuses on individual decision-making and life-learning journey and therefore contributes to a better business world
The Impact of Healing Cubs after 35 Years
From an environmental standpoint, as we’ve previously discussed, the business is much more open and disposed to using sustainable business practices, as it does not involve complex decisions making, procedures or opposing interests of stakeholders. Furthermore, the carbon footprint is minimum because the business operates remotely and requires only one individual to travel. In addition, the business of Holistic Insight requires minimal resources, further contributing to a sustainable environment. More importantly, however, I predict the business will have an expansively positive impact on the environment because it will influence society for the better first. By empowering individual contribution, accountability and decision-making, self-development, and meaningful work and connections, communities will start to take better shape, being stronger and less corruptible, because they will centre around individuals, that you can face-to-face see are trying to make a difference, rather than the facades corporations have to hide externalization.
From a societal standpoint on the other hand the world will change for the better in these ways. Firstly, businesses will slowly start going bankrupt, because people will start to appreciate more and more true human connection. Moreover, people will realise that if there is a structure, system or procedure there is a facade, hence there are more likely to be externalized costs. But if there is only a person sincerely trying to help out another person, there is no externalization, there is only soulful human connection. Secondly, Holistic Insight will be able to effortlessly convey fundamental principles about life, happiness, fulfilment, & relationships, through fun and engagement so that people will seamlessly embody a greater version of themselves, and therefore contribute to a better world. Thirdly, with my business, people will go back to relying on certain individuals, like me, rather than corporations. Thus, instead of wasting time, energy and resources, bouncing from one shady business to another, over the period of 35 years, people will have started forming long-term meaningful connections with certain people, who they will rely on – to help them achieve their vision, learn a new skill, do a certain job, or whatever job it may be. In addition, to shining light on values such as human connection, trust, transparency and long-term cooperation, individuals will start perceiving more and more control regarding their individual contribution to the world. But not only that communities will shift centre from politics, governments and municipalities to strong local communities centred around people who have become leaders by individually having contributed to sufficient developments and therefore meaning, in their local region or social circle.
To summarize the one-person business has a few things to offer from a societal and environmental standpoint. Firstly, it offers autonomy, empowering individuals to make independent decisions, develop accountability and foster creativity and diversity. Moreover, with the given autonomy, solopreneurs are likely to differentiate themselves through environmentally conscious business practices. Additionally, for society, I conclude the model poses a better alternative for shaping stronger communities. Lastly, the model frees individuals from reliance on jobs and empowers them to make their own meaningful contributions. Ultimately, solopreneurship encourages a better business world by fostering innovation, individual fulfilment & pursuit of dreams, sustainability, and conscious decision-making.